So its been awhile since I've updated this blog and alot has happened...My computer crashed...I fixed my computer...I started setting goals for myself...Eric recorded a pretty badass intro song....I completely restructured my film...filmed a ton...interviewed a few people....preparing to interview more people....and now the film is finally started to look like a real film, rather than just a collection of sequences. I'm really hoping that by the end of august I'll have a good rough cut, because I want to spend alot of time on music and sound...and I need a picture lock soon to focus on all that jazz.
The newest event that has happend though is the discovery of old pictures of Russel, for a long time Russ told me that he didn't have many photos from his past. Then two weeks ago Russel pulled out a few reels of slides and a slide projector...and just like that, we finally had pictures of Russel though the years....unforunatly though most of them were destroyed by a water leak in Russels ceiling.
Here are a few pics I took of Russels house to better demonstrate what Eric and I went though to collect these photos!!....The boxed and the reels were covered in mold.
I bought a converter so I could digitize Russels slides....I honestly thought everything was destroyed, but slowly I started to uncover some really amazing photos. The camera he used was apparently stolen from Marshall Fields.
This photo was taken during Russels time in the military in Japan. 1953 |
A circus that Russel went to while in Japan. 1953 |
taken from a boat. |
Russel on his property. 1973 |
Russel going hunting, hes in the blue hat. |
These last few photos were ones that were damaged by the water, but I still find them very beautiful.